DESIREE articles
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A Google Scholar page for DESIREE with all publications (including conference proceedings) and citation statistics is available here.
The following is a list of peer reviewed articles:
“Unravelling non-adiabatic pathways in the mutual neutralization of hydronium and hydroxide” Alon Bogot, Mathias Poline, MingChao Ji, Arnaud Dochain, Stefan Rosén, Henning Zettergren, Henning T. Schmidt, Richard D. Thomas, and Daniel Strasser, Nat. Chem. (2025).
“Mutual neutralization of C60+ and C60− ions - Excitation energies and state-selective rate coefficients” Michael Gatchell, Raka Paul, MingChao Ji, Stefan Rosén, Richard D. Thomas, Henrik Cederquist, Henning T. Schmidt, Åsa Larson and Henning Zettergren, Astronomy & Astrophysics 693, A43 (2025).
"Cooling of gold cluster anions, Au𝑁 - (𝑁=2–13,15), in a cryogenic ion-beam storage ring" Klavs Hansen, Tian Weihao, Emma K. Anderson, Mikael Björkhage, Henrik Cederquist, MingChao Ji, Stefan Rosén, Alice Schmidt-May, Mark H. Stockett, Henning Zettergren, Vitali Zhaunerchyk and Henning T. Schmidt, Phys. Rev. A 110, 052813 (2024) . . Alternative access to the final version is provided by the authors:
“Reply to: The stabilization of cyanonaphthalene by fast radiative cooling” Mark H. Stockett, James N. Bull, Henrik Cederquist, Suvasthika Indrajith, MingChao Ji, José E. Navarro Navarrete, Henning T. Schmidt, Henning Zettergren & Boxing Zhu, Nat Commun 15, 8443 (2024).
“Near-infrared absorption and radiative cooling of naphthalene dimers (C10H8)2 +” Jérôme Bernard, Serge Martin, Abdulaziz Al-Mogeeth, Christine Joblin, MingChao Ji, Henning Zettergren, Henrik Cederquist, Mark H. Stockett, Suvasthika Indrajith, Léo Dontot, Fernand Spiegelman, Dominique Toublanc and Mathias Rapacioli, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 26, 18571-18583 (2024).
“State-resolved mutual neutralization of 16O+ with 1H− and 2H− at collision energies below 100 meV” Alice F. Schmidt-May, Paul S. Barklem, Jon Grumer, Anish M. Amarsi, Mikael Björkhage, Mikael Blom, Arnaud Dochain, MingChao Ji, Paul Martini, Peter Reinhed, Stefan Rosén, Ansgar Simonsson, Henning Zettergren, Henrik Cederquist, and Henning T. Schmidt, Phys. Rev. A 109, 052820 (2024).
“Stability of C59 Knockout Fragments from Femtoseconds to Infinity” Michael Gatchell, Naemi Florin, Suvasthika Indrajith, José Eduardo Navarro Navarrete, Paul Martini, MingChao Ji, Peter Reinhed, Stefan Rosén, Ansgar Simonsson, Henrik Cederquist, Henning T. Schmidt, and Henning Zettergren, The Astrophysical Journal 966, 146 (2024). DOI:10.3847/1538-4357/ad3930
“The mutual neutralization of hydronium and hydroxide” Alon Bogot, Mathias Poline, MingChao Ji, Arnaud Dochain, Ansgar Simonsson, Stefan Rosén, Henning Zettergren, Henning T. Schmidt, Richard D. Thomas, and Daniel Strasser, Science 383, 285-289 (2024). DOI:10.1126/science.adk1950. For free access to this paper, please check out the banner or the Research tab on THIS LINK. YouTube Video: oNBBD8lD0xA
“Mutual Neutralization of NO+ with O−” Mathias Poline, Arnaud Dochain, Stefan Rosén, MingChao Ji, Peter Reinhed, Ansgar Simonsson, Mats Larsson, Henning T. Schmidt, Henning Zettergren, Richard D. Thomas, Shaun G. Ard, Nicholas S. Shuman, and Albert A. Viggiano, Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 023001 (2024).
“Observation of an isotope effect in state-selective mutual neutralization of lithium with hydrogen” Alice F. Schmidt-May, Stefan Rosén, MingChao Ji, Gustav Eklund, Henning Zettergren, Henrik Cederquist, Henning T. Schmidt, Paul S. Barklem, and Jon Grumer, Phys. Rev. A 108, 042810 (2023).
“Stability and Cooling of the C7 2− Dianion” P. K. Najeeb, M. H. Stockett, E. K. Anderson, M. K. Kristiansson, P. Reinhed, A. Simonsson, S. Rosén, R. D. Thomas, K. C. Chartkunchand, H. Gnaser, R. Golser, D. Hanstorp, Å. Larson, H. Cederquist, H. T. Schmidt, and H. Zettergren, Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 113003 (2023).
“Fragmentation of and electron detachment from hot copper and silver dimer anions: A comparison“ E. K. Anderson, A. F. Schmidt-May, P. K. Najeeb, G. Eklund, K. C. Chartkunchand, S. Rosén, M. Kamińska, M. H. Stockett, R. Nascimento, K. Hansen, Å. Larson, H. Cederquist, H. Zettergren, and H. T. Schmidt, Phys. Rev. A 107, 062824 (2023).
“Experimental radiative cooling rates of a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon cation“ José E. Navarro Navarrete, James N. Bull, Henrik Cederquist, Suvasthika Indrajith, MingChao Ji, Henning T. Schmidt, Henning Zettergren, Boxing Zhu and Mark H. Stockett, Faraday Discuss. 245, 352-367 (2023).
“Cooling dynamics of energized naphthalene and azulene radical cations” Jason W. L. Lee, Mark H. Stockett, Eleanor K. Ashworth, José E. Navarro Navarrete, Eva Gougoula, Diksha Garg, MingChao Ji, Boxing Zhu, Suvasthika Indrajith, Henning Zettergren, Henning T. Schmidt and James N. Bull, J. Chem. Phys. 158, 174305 (2023).
“Efficient radiative cooling of tetracene cations C18H12+: absolute recurrent fluorescence rates as a function of internal energy“ Jérôme Bernard, MingChao Ji, Suvasthika Indrajith, Mark H. Stockett, José E. Navarro Navarrete, Naoko Kono, Henrik Cederquist, Serge Martin, Henning T. Schmidt and Henning Zettergren, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 25, 10726-10740 (2023).
“Efficient stabilization of cyanonaphthalene by fast radiative cooling and implications for the resilience of small PAHs in interstellar clouds” Mark H. Stockett, James N. Bull, Henrik Cederquist, Suvasthika Indrajith, MingChao Ji, José E. Navarro Navarrete, Henning T. Schmidt, Henning Zettergren and Boxing Zhu, Nature Communications 14, 395 (2023).
“Radiative cooling of polyyne anions: C4H− and C6H−” Boxing Zhu, James N. Bull, José E. Navarro Navarrete, Alice F. Schmidt-May, Henrik Cederquist, Henning T. Schmidt, Henning Zettergren, and Mark H. Stockett, J. Chem. Phys. 157, 174308 (2022).
"High-precision electron affinity of oxygen" Moa K. Kristiansson, Kiattichart Chartkunchand, Gustav Eklund, Odd M. Hole, Emma K. Anderson, Nathalie de Ruette, Magdalena Kamińska, Najeeb Punnakayathil, José E. Navarro-Navarrete, Stefan Sigurdsson, Jon Grumer, Ansgar Simonsson, Mikael Björkhage, Stefan Rosén, Peter Reinhed, Mikael Blom, Anders Källberg, John D. Alexander, Henrik Cederquist, Henning Zettergren, Henning T. Schmidt, and Dag Hanstorp, Nature Communications 13(1):5906 (2022).
"Spontaneous and photo-induced decay processes of WF5− and HfF5− molecular anions in a cryogenic storage ring" Hubert Gnaser, Martin Martschini, David Leimbach, Julia Karls, Dag Hanstorp, Suvasthika Indrajith, Mingchao Ji, Paul Martini, Ansgar Simonsson, Henning Zettergren, Henning T. Schmidt, and Robin Golser, J. Chem. Phys. 157, 044304 (2022).
"Radiative cooling rates of substituted PAH ions" Boxing Zhu, James N. Bull, MingChao Ji, Henning Zettergren, and Mark H. Stockett, J. Chem. Phys. 157, 044303 (2022).
“Final-state-resolved mutual neutralization in I+ - I− collisions” Mathias Poline, Xiang Yuan, Sylvain Badin, MingChao Ji, Stefan Rosén, Suvasthika Indrajith, Richard D. Thomas, Henning T. Schmidt, Henning Zettergren, Andre Severo Pereira Gomes, and Nicolas Sisourat, Phys. Rev. A 106, 012812 (2022).
“Storage-ring study of the mutual neutralization of N+ with O−” Mathias Poline, Stefan Rosén, MingChao Ji, Ansgar Simonsson, Peter Reinhed, Mats Larsson, Henning T. Schmidt, Richard D. Thomas, Arnaud Dochain, Xavier Urbain, Jon Grumer, Paul S. Barklem, Shaun G. Ard, Nicholas S. Shuman, and Albert A. Viggiano, Phys. Rev. A 105, 062825 (2022).
“Statistical vibrational autodetachment and radiative cooling rates of para-benzoquinone” M. H. Stockett, J. N. Bull, H. Schmidt, and H. Zettergren, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 24, 12002-12010 (2022).
“First Direct Observations of Gear-Changing in a Collider” E. Nissen, A. Källberg, and A. Simonsson, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. Accel. Spectrometers Detect. Assoc. Equip. 166601 (2022).
“Experimental Lifetime of the a1Δ Electronically Excited State of CH−” G. Eklund, M. K. Kristiansson, K. C. Chartkunchand, E. K. Anderson, M. Simpson, R. Wester, H. T. Schmidt, H. Zettergren, H. Cederquist, and W. D. Geppert, Phys. Rev. Res. 4, L012016 (2022).
“State-Resolved Mutual Neutralization of Mg+ and D−” J. Grumer, G. Eklund, A. M. Amarsi, P. S. Barklem, S. Rosén, MC. Ji, A. Simonsson, H. Cederquist, H. Zettergren, and H. T. Schmidt, Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 033401 (2022).
"Measurement of the lifetime of a metastable excited state in Bi−" M. K. Kristiansson, J. Karls, N. D. Gibson, D. Hanstorp, H. T. Schmidt, and C. W. Walter, Measurement of the Lifetime of a Metastable Excited State in Bi −, Phys. Rev. A 105, L010801 (2022).
“Survival of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon knockout fragments in the interstellar medium” M. Gatchell J. Ameixa, MC. Ji, M. H. Stockett, A. Simonsson, S. Denifl, H. Cederquist, H. T. Schmidt, and H. Zettergren, Nat. Comm. 12, 6466 (2021).
“Mutual Neutralisation of O+ with O−: Investigation of the Role of Metastable Ions in a Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study” M. Poline, A. Dochain, S. Rosén, J. Grumer, M. Ji, G. Eklund, A. Simonsson, P. Reinhed, M. Blom, N. S. Shuman, S. G. Ard, A. A. Viggiano, M. Larsson, H. Cederquist, H. T. Schmidt, H. Zettergren, X. Urbain, P. S. Barklem, and R. D. Thomas, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 23, 24607 (2021).
“Experimental and theoretical studies of excited states in Ir−” M. K. Kristiansson, S. Schiffmann, J. Grumer, J. Karls, N. de Ruette, G. Eklund, V. Ideböhn, N. D. Gibson, T. Brage, H. Zettergren, D. Hanstorp, and H. T. Schmidt, Phys. Rev. A 103, 062806 (2021).
“Mutual neutralisation in Li+ + H-/D- and Na+ + H-/D- collisions: Implications of experimental results for non-LTE modelling of stellar spectra” P. S. Barklem, A. M. Amarsi, J. Grumer, G. Eklund, S. Rosén, M. Ji, H. Cederquist, H. Zettergren, and H. T. Schmidt, ApJ 908, 245 (2021).
“Final-state-resolved mutual neutralization of Na+ and D-” G. Eklund, J. Grumer, P. S. Barklem, S. Rosén, M. Ji, A. Simonsson, R. D. Thomas, H. Cederquist, H. Zettergren, and H. T. Schmidt, Phys. Rev. A. 103, 032814 (2021).
“Unimolecular fragmentation and radiative cooling of isolated PAH ions: A quantitative study” M. H. Stockett, J. N. Bull, J. T. Buntine, E. Carrascosa, M. Ji, N. Kono, H. T. Schmidt & H. Zettergren, J. Chem. Phys. 153, 154303 (2020).
“Cryogenic merged-ion-beam experiments in DESIREE: Final-state-resolved mutual neutralization of Li+ and D−” G. Eklund, J. Grumer, S. Rosén, M. Ji, N. Punnakayathil, A. Källberg, A. Simonsson, R. D. Thomas, M. H. Stockett, P. Reinhed, P. Löfgren, M. Björkhage, M. Blom, P. S. Barklem, H. Cederquist, H. Zettergren & H. T. Schmidt, Phys. Rev. A 102, 012823 (2020).
“Radiative cooling of carbon cluster anions C_{2n+1}^- (n = 3–5)” M. H. Stockett, J. N. Bull, J. T. Buntine, E. Carrascosa, E. K. Anderson, M. Gatchell, M. Kaminska, R. F. Nascimento, H. Cederquist, H. T. Schmidt & H. Zettergren, Eur. Phys. J. D 74, 150 (2020).
“Spontaneous Electron Emission from Hot Silver Dimer Anions: Breakdown of the Born-Oppenheimer Approximation” E. K. Anderson, A. F. Schmidt-May, P. K. Najeeb, G. Eklund, K. C. Chartkunchand, S. Rosén, Å. Larson, K. Hansen, H. Cederquist, H. Zettergren, and H. T. Schmidt, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 173001 (2020).
”Ultraslow radiative cooling of Cn- (n=3-5)” J. N. Bull, M. S. Scholz, E. Carrascosa , M. K. Kristiansson , G. Eklund, N. Punnakayathil, N. de Ruette, H. Zettergren, H. T. Schmidt , H. Cederquist, and M. H. Stockett J. Chem. Phys. 151, 114304 (2019).
”Storage time dependent photodissociation action spectroscopy of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon cations in the cryogenic electrostatic storage ring DESIREE” M. H. Stockett, M. Björkhage, H. Cederquist, H. T. Schmidt and H. Zettergren, Faraday Discuss., 217, 126 (2019).
“Decays of excited silver-cluster anions Agn, n= 4 to 7, in the Double ElectroStatic Ion Ring ExpEriment” E. K. Anderson, M. Kamińska, K. C. Chartkunchand, G. Eklund, M. Gatchell, K. Hansen, H. Zettergren, H. Cederquist, and H. T. Schmidt. Phys. Rev. A 98, 022705 (2018).
”DESIREE electrospray ion source test bench and setup for collision induced dissociation experiments” N. de Ruette, M. Wolf, L. Giacomozzi, J. D. Alexander, M. Gatchell, M. H. Stockett, N. Haag, H. Zettergren, H. T. Schmidt, and H. Cederquist. Review of Scientific Instruments 89, 075102 (2018).
“Dianion diagnostics in DESIREE: High-sensitivity detection of Cn2- from a sputter ion source” K. C. Chartkunchand, M. H. Stockett, E. K. Anderson, G. Eklund, M. K. Kristiansson, M. Kamińska, N. de Ruette, M. Blom, M. Björkhage, A. Källberg, P. Löfgren, P. Reinhed, S. Rosén, A. Simonsson, H. Zettergren, H. T. Schmidt, and H. Cederquist. Review of Scientific Instruments 89, 033112 (2018).
”Rotationally Cold OH- Ions in the Cryogenic Electrostatic Ion-Beam Storage Ring DESIREE” H. T. Schmidt, G. Eklund, K. C. Chartkunchand, E. K. Anderson, M. Kamińska, N. de Ruette, R. D. Thomas, M. K. Kristiansson, M. Gatchell, P. Reinhed, S. Rosén, A. Simonsson, A. Källberg, P. Löfgren, S. Mannervik, H. Zettergren, and H. Cederquist., Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 073001 (2017). Editors suggestion and Focus story in Physics 10, 93 (2017): ”The Coolest Molecular Ion Beams”
” Spontaneous decay of small copper-cluster anions Cun− (n=3–6), on long time scales”K. Hansen, M. H. Stockett, M. Kaminska, R. F. Nascimento, E. K. Anderson, M. Gatchell, K. C. Chartkunchand, G. Eklund, H. Zettergren, H. T. Schmidt, and H. Cederquist, Phys. Rev. A 95, 022511 (2017).
”Radiative lifetimes of the bound excited states of Pt-” K. C. Chartkunchand, M. Kamińska, E. K. Anderson, M. K. Kristiansson, G. Eklund, O. M. Hole, R. F. Nascimento, M. Blom, M. Björkhage, A. Källberg, P. Löfgren, P. Reinhed, S. Rosén, A. Simonsson, R. D. Thomas, S. Mannervik, V. T. Davis, P. A. Neill, J. S. Thompson, D. Hanstorp, H. Zettergren, H. Cederquist, and H. T. Schmidt, Phys. Rev. A 94, 032501 (2016).
“Lifetime of the bound excited level in Ni-” M. Kamińska, V. T. Davis, O. M. Hole, R. F. Nascimento, K. C. Chartkunchand, M. Blom, M. Björkhage, A. Källberg, P. Löfgren, P. Reinhed, S. Rosén, A. Simonsson, R. D. Thomas, S. Mannervik, P. A. Neill, J. S. Thompson, H. T. Schmidt, H. Cederquist, and D. Hanstorp, Phys. Rev. A 93, 012512 (2016).
“Storing keV Negative Ions for an Hour: The Lifetime of the Metastable P-2(1/2)o level in S-32(-)” E. Bäckström, D. Hanstorp, O. M. Hole, M. Kaminska, R. F. Nascimento, M. Blom, M. Björkhage, A. Källberg, P. Löfgren, P. Reinhed, S. Rosén, A. Simonsson, R. D. Thomas, S. Mannervik, H. T. Schmidt, and H. Cederquist, Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 143003 (2015).
“First storage of ion beams in the Double Electrostatic Ion-Ring Experiment: DESIREE”, H T Schmidt, R D Thomas, M Gatchell, S Rosén, P Reinhed, P Löfgren, L Brännholm, M Blom, M Björkhage, E Bäckström, J D Alexander, S Leontein, D Hanstorp, H Zettergren, L Liljeby, A Källberg, A Simonsson, F Hellberg, S Mannervik, M Larsson, W D Geppert, K G Rensfelt, H Danared, A Paál, M Masuda, P Halldén, G Andler, M H Stockett, T Chen, G Källersjö, J Weimer, K Hansen, H Hartman and H Cederquist, Review of Scientific Instruments 84, 055115 (2013).
The double electrostatic ion ring experiment: A unique cryogenic electrostatic storage ring for merged ion-beams studies, R. D. Thomas, H. T. Schmidt, G. Andler, M. Björkhage, M. Blom, L. Brännholm, E. Bäckström, H. Danared, S. Das, N. Haag, P. Halldén, F. Hellberg, A. I. S. Holm, H. A. B. Johansson, A. Källberg, G. Källersjö, M. Larsson, S. Leontein, L. Liljeby, P. Löfgren, B. Malm, S. Mannervik, M. Masuda, D. Misra, A. Orbán, A. Paál, P. Reinhed, K.-G. Rensfelt, S. Rosén, K. Schmidt, F. Seitz, A. Simonsson, J. Weimer, H. Zettergren, and H. Cederquist, Review of Scientific Instruments 82, 065112 (2011).
Selection of peer reviewed conference proceedings:
“DESIREE: A Laboratory Astrophysics Experiment with Cryogenically Cooled Electrostatic Ion Beam Storage Rings” Schmidt, H.T. (2023). In: Mennella, V., Joblin, C. (eds) European Conference on Laboratory Astrophysics ECLA2020. ECLA 2021. Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings, vol 59. Springer, Cham.
“Negative ion relaxation and reactions in a cryogenic storage ring” H. T. Schmidt, S. Rosén, R. D. Thomas, M. H. Stockett, W. D. Geppert, Å. Larson, P. Löfgren, A. Simonsson, A. Källberg, P. Reinhed, M. Björkhage, M. Blom, J. D. Alexander, P. K. Najeeb, M. Ji, N. Kono, E. K. Anderson, G. Eklund, M. K. Kristiansson, O. M. Hole, D. Hanstorp, H. Hartman, P. S. Barklem, J. Grumer, K. Hansen, M. Gatchell, H. Cederquist & H. Zettergren, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1412, 062006 (2020).
“Intrinsic absorption profile and radiative cooling rate of a PAH cation revealed by action spectroscopy in the cryogenic electrostatic storage ring DESIREE” M. H. Stockett, M. Björkhage, H. Cederquist, H. T. Schmidt & H. Zettergren, Proc. Int. Astron. Union 15, 127 (2019).
”A summary of results obtained with the cryogenic electrostatic storage ring DESIREE” H. Zettergren, Canadian Journal of Physics 95, 817 (2017). DOI: 10.1139/cjp-2016-0872
”DESIREE: Physics with cold stored ion beams” R.D. Thomas, H.T. Schmidt, M. Gatchell, S. Rosén, P. Reinhed, P. Löfgren, L. Brännholm, M. Blom, M. Björkhage, E. Bäckström, J.D. Alexander, S. Leontein, D. Hanstorp, H. Zettergren, M. Kaminska, R. Nascimento, L. Liljeby, A. Källberg, A. Simonsson, F. Hellberg, S. Mannervik, M. Larsson, W.D. Geppert, K.G. Rensfelt, A. Paál, M. Masuda, P. Halldén, G. Andler, M.H. Stockett, T. Chen, G. Källersjö, J. Weimer, K. Hansen, H. Hartman and H. Cederquist, EPJ Web of Conferences 84, 01004 (2015).
”Commissioning of the DESIREE storage rings – a new facility for cold ion-ion collisions” M Gatchell, H T Schmidt, R D Thomas, S Rosén, P Reinhed, P Löfgren, L Brännholm, M Blom, M Björkhage, E Bäckström, J D Alexander, S Leontein, D Hanstorp, H Zettergren, L Liljeby, A Källberg, A Simonsson, F Hellberg, S Mannervik, M Larsson, W D Geppert, K G Rensfelt, H Danared, A Paál, M Masuda, P Halldén, G Andler, M H Stockett, T Chen, G Källersjö, J Weimer, K Hansen, H Hartman and H Cederquist, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 488 012040 (2014)
DESIREE: a unique cryogenic electrostatic storage ring for merged ion-beams studies Published 20 July 2011 Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 300, Eighth International Conference on Dissociative Recombination: Theory, Experiments and Applications (DR2010) 16–20 August 2010, Lake Tahoe, California, USA
The DESIREE project – a status report H T Schmidt et al 2009 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 194 142013
DESIREE as a new tool for interstellar ion chemistry, Henning T. Schmidt, Henrik A.B. Johansson, Richard D. Thomas, Wolf D. Geppert, Nicole Haag, Peter Reinhed, Stefan Rosén, Mats Larsson, Håkan Danared, K.-G. Rensfelt, Leif Liljeby, Lars Bagge, Mikael Björkhage, Mikael Blom, Patrik Löfgren, Anders Källberg, Ansgar Simonsson, Andras Paál, Henning Zettergren and Henrik Cederquist, International Journal of Astrobiology 7 (3 & 4), 205 (2008).
DESIREE — A Double Electrostatic Storage Ring for Merged‐Beam Experiments, AIP Conference Proceedings 821, 465 (2006);
Accelerator physics conference proceedings:
Gear-Changing Collisions in DESIREE (2022): Further Measurements of Beam-Beam Interactions in a Gear-Changing System in DESIREE
Gear-Changing Collisions in DESIREE (2021): Measurements of Beam-Beam Interactions in Gear-Changing Collisions in DESIREE
Two-Beam Operation in DESIREE (2019): Automatic optimization, position and energy matching, kinetic energy release
Status of DESIREE (2017): Beam current measurements, Schottky signals and beam lifetimes, single quantum state beams, stochastic cooling
Instrumentation in DESIREE (2015): Diagnostics (better in later papers)
Commissioning of the Double Electrostatic Storage Ring DESIREE (2014): Commissioning, vacuum
Optics Alignment in the Electrostatic Storage Ring DESIREE (2011)
Spatial Resolution Test of a BPMS for DESIREE Beam Line Diagnostics (2011)
Status of the Electrostatic and Cryogenic Double Ring DESIREE (2008): Mechanical construction, demagnetization of outer chamber
Design of the Double Electrostatic Storage Ring (2006): Noise and beam lifetimes, test system
DESIREE – A Double Electrostatic Storage Ring (2004): Technical design, ion optics
EISLAB articles
Peer reviewed articles:
”Decay pathways for protonated and deprotonated adenine molecules” L. Giacomozzi, G. D’Angelo, S. Diaz-Tendero , N. de Ruette, M. H. Stockett , M. Alcamí , H. Cederquist, H. T. Schmidt , and H. Zettergren, J. Chem. Phys. 151, 044306 (2019).
The threshold displacement energy of buckminsterfullerene C60 and formation of the endohedral defect fullerene He@C59” M. H. Stockett, M. Wolf, M. Gatchell, H. T. Schmidt, H. Zettergren, H. Cederquist. Carbon 139, 906 (2018).
”Knockout driven fragmentation of porphyrins” L. Giacomozzi, M. Gatchell, N. de Ruette, M. Wolf, G. D’Angelo, H. T. Schmidt, H. Cederquist and H. Zettergren, Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys., 19, 19750 (2017).
Topical Review: “Knockout driven reactions in complex molecules and their clusters", M. Gatchell and H. Zettergren, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics , 49 , 162001 (2016).
“Hydrogenated pyrene: Statistical single-carbon loss below the knockout threshold” M. Wolf, L. Giacomozzi, M. Gatchell, N. de Ruette, M. H. Stockett, H. T. Schmidt, H. Cederquist, and H. Zettergren, European Physical Journal D 70, 85 (2016).
“Isomer effects in fragmentation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons.” M H Stockett, M Gatchell, N Ruette, L Giacomozzi, T Chen, P Rousseau, S Maclot, J Y Chesnel, L Adoui, B A Huber, U Bērziņš, H T Schmidt, H Zettergren and H Cederquist. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 392, 58 (2015).
“Threshold Energies for Single-Carbon Knockout from Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons.” M H Stockett, M Gatchell, T Chen, N Ruette, L Giacomozzi, M Wolf, H T Schmidt, H Zettergren and H Cederquist. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 6, 4504 (2015).
”Failure of hydrogenation in protecting polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from fragmentation.” M Gatchell, M H Stockett, N Ruette, T Chen, L Giacomozzi, R F Nascimento, M Wolf, E K Anderson, R Delaunay, V Vizcaino, P Rousseau, L Adoui, B A Huber, H T Schmidt, H Zettergren and H Cederquist. Phys. Rev. A 92, 050702(R), (2015).
“High-energy collisions of protonated enantiopure amino acids with a chiral target gas.” Kostiantyn Kulyk, Oleksii Rebrov, Mark H Stockett, John D Alexander, Henning Zettergren, Henning T Schmidt, Richard D Thomas, Henrik Cederquist and Mats Larsson. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 388, 59 (2015).
“Fragmentation of anthracene C14H10, acridine C13H9N and phenazine C12H8N2 ions in collisions with atoms”, M H Stockett, M Gatchell, J D Alexander, U Berzins, T Chen, K Farid, A Johansson, K Kulyk, P Rousseau, K Stochkel, L Adoui, P Hvelplund, B A Huber, H T Schmidt, H Zettergren and H Cederquist. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 16, 21980 (2014).
“Absolute fragmentation cross sections in atom-molecule collisions: Scaling laws for non-statistical fragmentation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon molecules.” T Chen, M Gatchell, M H Stockett, J D Alexander, Y Zhang, P Rousseau, A Domaracka, S Maclot, R Delaunay, L Adoui, B A Huber, T Schlathölter, H T Schmidt, H Cederquist and H Zettergren. The Journal of Chemical Physics 140, 224306 (2014).
“Non-statistical fragmentation of PAHs and fullerenes in collisions with atoms”, M Gatchell, M H Stockett, P Rousseau, T Chen, K Kulyk, H T Schmidt, J Y Chesnel, A Domaracka, A Méry, S Maclot, L Adoui, K Støchkel, P Hvelplund, Y Wang, M Alcamí, B A Huber, F Martín, H Zettergren and H Cederquist, International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 365, 260, (2014).
“Nonstatistical fragmentation of large molecules”, M H Stockett, H Zettergren, L Adoui, J D Alexander, U Berzins, T Chen, M Gatchell, N Haag, B A Huber, P Hvelplund, A Johansson, H A B Johansson, K Kulyk, S Rosen, P Rousseau, K Stochkel, H T Schmidt and H Cederquist. Physical Review A 89, 032701 (2014).
PhD theses:
Naemi Florin: “Cosmic Molecules and Clusters: Knockout Driven Reactions”
Gustav Eklund: “Experiments on mutual neutralization using storage rings with merged ion beams“
Emma K Anderson: “DESIREE: Instrumentation Developments and Hot Metal Cluster Decays”
Michael Wolf: “Energetic processing of complex molecules in the gas phase“
Tao Chen: “Ions colliding with molecules and molecular clusters: fragmentation and growth processes“
Erik Bäckström: “Time-Resolved Spectroscopy and Intensity Measurements of Singly Charged Ions“
Licentiate theses: