The 8th International Workshop on Electrostatic Storage Devices (ESD8) was held in Tianjin, China August 26-30, 2019. The ESD conference series, held every second year since 20XX, focuses on technical developments of electrostatic ion storage rings and beam traps as well as the science these infrastructures enable. This year, several DESIREE users presented results obtained in the first two cycles of user beamtime i.e. fall 2018 and spring 2019. Among them was Stockholm University PhD student Moa Kristiansson (pictured), who presented research conducted in collaboration with Wolf Geppert (also of Stockholm University). In total, 5 oral presentations including 2 hot-topic talks, as well as several posters, were based on recent results obtained by DESIREE users. This high level of representation illustrates the productivity of the DESIREE infrastructure and the strength of its broad user community.
DESIREE user research presented at ESD8
Moa Kristiansson (Stokcholm University) presents DESIREE user research at ESD8